
Inspiring News, Impactful Ads

Hola News has been delivering news, entertainment and stories that matter to Hispanics living in the South for over 18 years!

Format: Magazine Tabloid
Language: 90% Spanish / 10% English
Average Pages: 48 – 56
Coverage: North & South Carolina, North Florida

Target: Hispanics
Frequency: Weekly
Publication Date: Wednesdays
Single Copy Rate: Free

Year Established: 2004
Media Association: NAHJ,
Minority Owned: Yes

HOLA NEWS received the Primero Award from the NAHP for the best weekly publication with circulation under 30,000 copies. Additionally, HOLA NEWS received more than 40 awards in various categories out of 230 publications, solidifying HOLA NEWS as the best Hispanic publication in the nation!


Charlotte NC
4,000 copies distributed. 200+ Points of distribution across DMA

The Carolinas
7,750 copies distributed. 250+ Points of distribution across DMA

Jacksonville, FL
4,250 copies distributed. 150+ Points of distribution across DMA